You have three options to choose from, which can cover what your credit card company does not. Most common plans are Silver and Gold.
Travel Guard may reimburse the Insured if an Insured cancels his/her Trip or is unable to continue on his/her Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen events:
- (a) Sickness, Injury or death of an Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion, Business Partner or Host at Destination;
- (1) Sickness or Injury of an Insured, Traveling Companion or Family Member traveling with the Insured must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing continued participation in the Trip;
- (2) Sickness or Injury of a Family Member not traveling with the Insured must be because their condition is life-threatening as certified by a Physician, or they require the Insured’s immediate care. Such disability must be so disabling as to reasonably cause a Trip to be canceled or interrupted and must be certified by a Physician;
- (3) Sickness or Injury of the Business Partner must be so disabling as to reasonably cause the Insured to cancel or interrupt the Trip to assume daily management of the business. Such disability must be certified by a Physician;
- (4) Sickness, Injury, death or hospitalization of the Insured’s Host at Destination. A Physician must certify the Sickness or Injury.
- (b) Financial Default of an airline, Cruise line or tour operator provided the Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following an Insured’s effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits. There is no coverage for the Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm from whom the Insured purchased travel arrangements supplied by others. This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment;
- (c) Inclement Weather causing delay or cancellation of travel;
- (d) Strike causing complete cessation of travel services at the point of departure or Destination;
- (e) the Insured’s Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism or burglary;
- (f) the Insured’s Destination being made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible by flood, tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption, fire, wildfire or blizzard that is due to natural causes;
- (g) the Insured or Traveling Companion is hijacked, quarantined, subpoenaed or required to serve on a jury;
- (h) the Insured or Traveling Companion is called to active military service or military leave is revoked or reassigned;
- (i) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the Insured’s scheduled arrival;
- (j) the Insured or Traveling Companion is involuntarily terminated or laid off through no fault of his or her own provided that he or she has been an active employee for the same employer for at least 1 year. Termination must occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors or self-employed persons;
- (k) a named hurricane causing cancellation or interruption of travel to the Insured’s Destination that is Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Claims are not payable if a hurricane is foreseeable prior to the Insured’s effective date. A hurricane is foreseeable on the date it becomes a named storm. The Company will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring within 30 days after the named hurricane makes the Insured’s Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;
- (l) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that occurs on a scheduled Trip and causes complete cessation of the Insured’s travel and results in a Loss of 50% of the Insured’s Trip length;
- (m) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the situation of self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required;
- (n) the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by the company that is involved in said event; or
- (o) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s company is deemed to be unsuitable for business due to burglary or Natural Disaster and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.